Monday, December 19, 2011

How to Reduce Office Waste

Whether you're a small, one man operation or a large business, it's important to take some steps to reducing waste and keep energy costs as low as possible.  Maintaing a Green business should be an important daily routine for any size business.  We have plenty of electronics spread throughout the office that keep our energy bills shooting towards the sky, but there's some easy fixes that can help reduce those costs.

Consider buying a multifuncational copy machine.  With a machine that can handle a bunch of tasks, you'll not only reduce the footprint of your office equipment, but also reduce energy consumption.  In the long term, you'll efficiently reduce your businesses operating costs.

If you're in the market for a new machine, you may want to consider the alternative.  Purchasing a used or refurbished copier may be the best way to save your company thousands of dollars.  Since most refurbished copiers and printers have only been used for a few months and usually come from bankruptcy auctions, it's best to consider this an option for your business.

Businesses like Restored Digital Solutions based out of Miami Florida, are highly skilled at bringing a copier or printer back to its original factory setting.  For new businesses, startup capital is usually pretty thin.  So purchasing a refurbished copier or printer from a reputable company like RDS will save you thousands.  Additionally, RDS offers monthly service contracts that will enable you to focus on your day to day business and give you peace of mind knowing that if any malfunctions should occur, they will gladly come out and fix any issues.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Refurbished Printers and Copiers For Your Business

Similar to buying a certified used car, purchasing a refurbished copier or printer will provide you with a great product and peace of mind at an affordable price.  When considering purchasing a used or refurbished copier or printer in Miami, consider Restored Digital Solutions.  With RDS you can rest assured that your dollar will go far as their products are restored back to factory quality and inspected to ensure a long life.

Aside from a lengthy product list, RDS has one of the best guarantees in the refurbished copier industry.  With proactive service and ongoing support RDS will ensure the life of your product far exceeds the competition.

RDS is famous for its 77 point inspection which brings the life and quality back to your copy and printer.  RDS goes through these 77 steps to clean, inspect and revert all refurbished copiers and printers back to their original manufacturer standards.

With their iron-glad maintenance guarantee and 4 hour service call response time, RDS is the go-to team for refurbished copiers and printers in Miami.  Give them a call or email today to schedule a free consultation.